Friday, December 31, 2010

Managing Personal Finance With Small Savings

New Year has just set in. It is perfect time for everyone of us to make an introspection as regards our financial health.

To make a better financial future, one of the most important factor is saving money. Improvement in financial condition starts with saving and only saving. If you cannot save a major chunk from business profits or pay packet, you can start saving from 1% and increase it upward from the next year. 1% is so small an amount that it won't make any difference. START saving today. Believe me, a very small effort can have far reaching effect.

Few years back, I had money spending habits and I thought it is impossible for me to save. After reading few books on financial management and listening to some lectures of financial management experts, I started saving and today, I have a sound corpus to meet any unforeseen even.

Take my advise, Resolve to start saving small money every month. In a few months, you will have control over your finances.

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